Astrological Solutions for Every Day Life

Archive for February, 2015

Pisces 2015 Newsletter

Dear Readers,

As the Sun moves into Pisces at 6:57 EST this evening it moves in tandem with the New Moon in the final degree and minute of Aquarius. Many astrologers consider this lunar degree to be the same as “0” Pisces and a sign of a new beginning.

I am happy to send you the Pisces Newsletter so that you have insight into what is ahead for Pisces during this birthday year. You will also find announcements, security information, news about the world of astrology, eclipse and current planetary information; insight on celebrities making the news — Joanne Froggatt, Tom Brady, Kathy Griffin, and Brian Williams; more discussion about presidential candidates and other queries in the Readers Corner; and information on dates to remember in the month ahead. I hope you learn something new and let me know your thoughts.

Many of you have been shivering through frigid weather, snow and ice and have sent me messages describing conditions. My sympathy lies with you and I know how inconvenient that can be. Little did I dream when relocating to Florida that temperatures would plunge to the freezing mark. As soon as I send you this newsletter I will be going outdoors to cover all the plants and shrubs. Here in the Tampa Bay area we are expecting freezing weather for the next few nights and the weather service issued a warning. Stay safe.

All the best,


Alice DeVille

Pisces 2015 NEWSLETTER